Latinum is a rare silver liquid used as currency by many worlds, most notably the Ferengi Alliance. Latinum cannot be replicated and the reasons for its rarity are ...
... Deep Space Nine – 2016 GoldPressed Latinum Slip. AU Stock: Available . ... The reverse of the bar resembles a goldpressed latinum slip as used in ...
Find great deals on eBay for STAR TREK LATINUM GOLD PRESSED. Shop with confidence.
Screen Used Bricks of Gold Pressed Latinum used in the Star Trek Deep Space Nine episode "Who Mourns for Morn". These were the less detailed bricks that were ...
Goldpressed latinum is used as a currency. (DS9: QLess) Contributed by: Clare Bradley Gasoline. Gasoline is a liquid fuel that was used centuries ago on Earth.
Screen Used strip of Gold Pressed Latinum used heavily in Star Trek Deep Space Nine
Find great deals on eBay for gold pressed latinum. Shop with confidence.
The reverse of the bar resembles a goldpressed latinum slip as used in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and the design includes the maker''s mark. Limited Mintage
Why can latinum not be replicated? ... I''d bet anything the Ferengi would have used it instead. Instead, they go with latinum, pressed into small gold bars.
GoldPressed Latinum Star Trek Online Wiki . Latinum is a rare silver liquid used as currency by many worlds, most notably the Ferengi Alliance. Latinum cannot be ...
Product Description... pay their way with Gold Pressed Latinum barsthe 24thcentury''s ...
Dec 05, 2007· If Ferengi are obsessed with profit why not replicate their very own ''goldpressed latinum''? Is there any physical reason why it cant be replicated?...
Find great deals on eBay for gold pressed latinum and tongo. Shop with confidence.
what is gold pressed latinum used for XSM is a leading global manufacturer of crushing and milling equipment (what is gold pressed latinum used for.
Denominations of goldpressed latinum, in order of increasing value, include the slip, the strip, the bar, the brick and the ingot. United Federation of Planets:
Nov 30, 2016· The reason that Gold Pressed Latinum is used as currency in a post replicator society is that it is unable to be replicated. As such this item cannot be created in ...
Special Star Trek release – GoldPressed ... In order that it can be used as a tradable currency, liquid latinum is ... interest in goldpressed latinum is ...
Yuh. Gold pressed latinum is used mostly for doff assignments. There are even assignments where you exchange gold pressed latinum for contraband.
There are several different sizes of gold pressed Latinum ... Most of the Brick props used were uncarved blocks of wood simply sawn to shape and painted gold ...
Item Units Cost/Unit Runs/Unit Runs From Common GoldPressed Latinum ★ 167 >> Common GoldPressed Latinum ★ Average (mean) runs per drop: 1. Based on test ...
I believe I did well, I purchased not 1 but 2 Gold Pressed Latinum bars from the the Ferengi at the bar. I then used one of those bars to purchase a warp core reactor ...
Goldpressed Latinum, the currency used by the Ferengi (and sometimes other races) in TNGera Star Trek. It''s a supervaluable liquid encased within (possibly ...
Displayused costumes, props and other enjoyment memorabilia have been achieving impressive prices at auction. According to science fiction, fantasy and entertainment ...
Cast from Screen used Latinum from DS9 Used by quark and many other actors from the TV series Item is made from resin and painted gold with black and brown tarnish