Located near the Arctic Circle, Diavik is one of the world''s richest diamond deposits and a leader in sustainable mining.
TRU Group Inc are Consulting Engineers Managers Planners, with capbility in Engineering,Due Diligence, Bankable Feasibility Studies: TRU Manufacturer Technology ...
Established in 1908, Australian Mining magazine keeps you informed on the latest news and innovation in the mining industry Mining News
Mr. Luc Veilleux CPA, CA has over 20 years of experience in the mining and manufacturing industries including eight years at Timcal in the roles of Chief Financial ...
InfoMine provides comprehensive information on mining, the mining industry, mining technology and mineral exploration. InfoMine categories include mining news, mining ...
TRU Group graphitegraphene technical and engineering consultants from graphite resources mining and high carbon graphite plant engineering and graphite .
Specializes in producing graphite electrodes. Includes information on products made for applications in other industries.
Kookaburra Gully Graphite Project upside The maiden JORC Code 2012 compliant Mineral Resources at Kookaburra Gully reinforce Lincoln''s confidence in being able to ...
Graphite ( / ˈ ɡ r æ f aɪ t /), archaically referred to as plumbago, is a crystalline allotrope of carbon, a semimetal and a native element mineral. Graphite is ...
ASXlisted graphite company Syr Resources is driving positive change and economic growth in Mozambique through its Balama project.
The unusual properties of graphite are described as are the different forms such as amorphous, flake, crystalline and synthetic grades. Properties are provided and a ...
The CareerMiner is the mining jobs blog from CareerMine, with news, tips and opinions about recruitment and employment in the mining industry.
Creamer Media''s Mining Weekly App, built on the backbone of
information on cyanide leaching of gold leach plants
Banding together, 16 Southeast tribes will push for a seat at the table in talks with Canada about mining issues on shared waters.
Coal mining is the process of extracting coal from the ground. Coal is valued for its energy content, and, since the 1880s, has been widely used to generate electricity.
OPINION: This spring, Ontario''s premier seemed determined to speed up negotiations on developing the mineralrich Ring of Fire — then, nothing ...
Alabama Gold Locations GOLD LOCATIONS IN ALABAMA After gold was discovered in Georgia prospectors began working in Alabama and had a "Gold Rush" ...
SGS mining and minerals services cover exploration, production, decommissioning and closure. Our experts help you maximise opportunity and stay ead of the competition.
SGS''s strong reputation for metallurgical and process design has provided companies with effective flowsheets and practical technical solutions for over 70 years.
There is a lot of senior and junior mining companies but not all of them are worth investing in. Some of them have more potential than others and in some of the cases ...
Gareth Hatch analyzes the likely graphite needs for Tesla Motor''s proposed gigafactory, and the companies that might stand to benefit.
Mining Energy. Mozambique must ensure that gas revenues reach the population World Bank. 20 Jun 2017
With a thorough investigation and proper problem diagnosis, an entire gas plant limited by a deethanizer reboiler circuit was successfully.